Noble Auctions

Halfstraat 5 ,2630 Aartselaar, Belgium

  • +32 491756671 - Carole Delhaye
  • +32 474675424 - Jorgen Vallons

Durchschnittliche Reaktionszeit: 2 Minuten

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Whether you’re buying your very first classic car or looking for that ultimate piece that will complete your collection,
with Noble Auctions you can rely on just your senses. Because with us, what you see is what you get.

When bidding on a vehicle in a Noble Auction, what you get is this:
- Objective descriptions made by specialists, no sugarcoating
- A thorough photo report, made in our professional studio, showing important details of every vehicle
- 24/7 customer service for questions or concerns regarding the offered vehicles
- Several viewing days where you can inspect the vehicles with the assistance of experts
- A safe online environment offering secure bidding and follow-up of selected lots
- Buyers who have won an auction can pick up their vehicle straight away

With more than 1200 satisfied buyers and over 15 years of experience within the classic car market, Noble Auctions has proven a reliable partner for car enthusiasts worldwide.

We get the right car to the right person, for the right price.

Noble Auctions